Monday, November 7, 2011

miner monday

My "mini tomato" tomato plants from Dr. Deb are still blooming and pumping out marble sized fruit. 
McCoys delivered the rest of my paver order this afternoon.
Chopping my way through the rock to set block for a raised section next to the NE container.  Might build a cold frame over this section once it's back filled, leveled and paved - a greenhouse in a greenhouse. This corner gets the most sun during the winter.
Care package in the mail today from SwampGirl 2011.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. bet there is an interesting story behind that black eye.

  3. ...winning the title of SwampGirl 2011 was a brutal competition.

  4. Survivor - SwampLab, Girls vs. LongHorns tonight on CBS... hope you have a good agent/lawyer - is that helo flight insurance coverage transferable to guests? speedy recovery to SG11.

    Mark Burnett/Jeff Probst calling on the BluePhone...
    TFL goes Hollywud... Caliche colored buffs for everyone...
    Caliche (n) 1. A form of calcium carbonate found in thick stratigraphic accretions and thin depositional lenses, and widely dispersed in desert soils; 2. In prehistoric times, an economic mineral material mined by Native peoples of the American Southwest and Mexico and used for plaster in the construction of pit house floors, granaries, platform mounds, ball courts and other types of community infrastructure; 3. The bane of backhoe operators and gardeners when found in concrete-like deposits; 4. A gritty, powdery substance (not unlike industrial-gauge sandpaper) that shreds nasal mucous membranes and whipsaws and desiccates the exposed flesh of archaeologists; 5. Keyword-filtered journalism, short-lived news blurbs and timely press releases -- information about the archaeology, anthropology and history of the American Southwest -- received from individual contributors, and from media wire feeds and search bots crawling the World-Wide Web.

    on a different subject - if there is ever future expansion - an alt to shipping containers...?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lots of good things on today's post.

  7. Mr. Wells:

    I came across this during my daily perusing of news:

    and I thought it might be of interest.

    Bonne journée from Paris

    Palmer Roseli
