Monday, November 21, 2011

NRA Monday

Started off with a foggy morning.  Prepped the next section for leveling sand for pavers but checked the check list and discovered I need to fill blocks with concrete first.  Wasn't up for the task so had a big lunch down south with Chuck then came home and took a nap.

Good news from the NRA to wrap up 2011.    Also from the NRA - November 16:  The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an important self-defense measure that would enable millions of Right-to-Carry permit holders across the country to carry concealed firearms while traveling outside their home states. H.R. 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, passed by a majority bipartisan vote of 272 to 154. All amendments aimed to weaken or damage the integrity of this bill were defeated.

With the increasing incidents of violence against the OWS protesters across the country - I wonder if this legislation will make it through the Senate and be signed into law by the president.  62,82,52,0,B


  1. Yea that bill will get past the ahhh whatever he is.


  2. Facing Extreme Drought and A Booming Population, Texans May Soon Be Drinking Treated Sewage Water…… Yuck !! Texans should start making stills to distill their water.

    Piss on permits.
    Piss on the right to carry a concealed weapon, carry them in plain sight so everyone knows who is packing.

    If you can see that almost everyone is packing a gun things might be more peaceful.

    As it is, I don't know who is packing and who isn't, permit or not.

    I often pack a gun in my pocket, permit? I don't need no fucking permit.

    I'm going to buy a lever action 30 30.

  3. If guns are outlawed only us anarchists will have guns. Well, and criminals.

  4. You are correct BBC you do not need a permit. The Second Amendment to the Constitution gives you the right to keep and bear arms. No state can make a law contrary to the Constitution. A permit gives you the states permission. You do not need the states permission.

    A 30-30 makes a pretty good assault rifle and it's not nearly so scary to the liberals as an AK or AR.

    We aren't anywhere near out of water in Texas yet we have lots of lakes and most still have plenty of water.

  5. Oh and you have a god given right to self defense.

  6. Oh and you have a god given right to self defense.

    God is an idiot, and so is the fucking pope, but I have a spirit of the planet given right to self defense, just like a buck with antlers, or a skunk.

    And I might add, the best protection I feel is good for me.

  7. Poking liberals with sticks.

    I hope 2 Dogs is also poking conservatives with sticks. Labels are stupid in the house of mirrors.

  8. is OWS coming to Terlinga or environs?


  9. A 30-30 makes a pretty good assault rifle and it's not nearly so scary to the liberals as an AK or AR.

    I'm not interested in assault on others, just personal protection of my space and those I care about.

    I don't have an issue with AK's, just don't feel the need for one when I have seven pounds of gun powder useful for making 'interesting things'.

  10. is OWS coming to Terlinga or environs?

    They were here for a bit, local ones anyway, but at least they had brains enough to go home at night and sleep in their own beds.

  11. Just a thought I wonder if BBC has ever considered professional help for his mental problem?I honestly feel sorry for the person.

  12. Ted.... one of us may have a mental problem, of some kind. But Einstein was crazy and okay with it.

    Besides, I've been down many paths, not all of them paved, so I can tell you that all shrinks need a shrink. :-)

  13. BTW Ted, don't bother to feel sorry for me, it would be a waste of your time, the universe doesn't care about either of us.

  14. Can BBC be banned. This used to be a nice Blog with interests in THE FIELD LAB's progress. I think BBC does not understand what is going on at the TFL.

    I like the progress. Love the greenhouse floor.

  15. I apologize for my comment it just slipped out BBC.I know where your coming from I think.My opinion of God is this ,I believe that the whole thing is to complex for any one to comprehend .I do believe in God (WHY) When I think about the Universe an all that is in it . There has to be.But I will say its pure faith.

  16. I don't plan to ever leave Texas again unless its to go south so the law doesn't do anything for me.

  17. I'm a New Yorker, and the idea that any person I might come across could have a gun is frightening to me. Maybe I'm a pansy-a$$ liberal, but all I can picture is bumping into some guy (woman) on the subway, and then having a gun in my face. John seems to have excellent judgment, but I wouldn't say that about everyone. Isn't advanced civilization all about not needing that kind of thing?

  18. I guess the only reason that I don't get a hard on about guns is because I don't live scared. But if I were living in Terlingua then I would most likely do as John has done and purchased to protect.

  19. Of the many trips to the Big Bend area I remember the early morning drive out of the Chisos and being welcomed by a fog bank covering the desert below - very surreal. Thanks for posting the photo, brought back a lot of great memories. I'm way overdue for a visit!

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  21. Ted I happen to think that BBC is pretty much dead on.

  22. Ron-DEb why should BBC be banned? He is just giving his own opinions that happen to be different then yours. Not all believe in the dominate religion that so many of you do and he is right about the liberal/conservative fights.

  23. I agree with Susie. Banning people from your blog is a personal choice. If someone was really going out of their way to harass me in a nasty way on my blog I might ban them....but I believe in giving people the freedom to say whatever they want using whatever words they choose. My emotional reaction to words is my business....and is not the fault of anyone else.

  24. In the end whatever John Wells decides to do in the nature of his blog is his business.

    Trying to aim not to offend anybody on the internet...good luck with that one. lol

    I like this blog and enjoy seeing the progress at TFL. I've learned some stuff too. :)

  25. I know better an in the future if I can not say something positive there will be no comment.I will keep all my thought's to myself or on my Blog !

  26. The scary part about this "NRA Win" is that it tramples on States' Rights. While on the surface, it sounds great... "Gun owners can now traverse through any state with a concealed permit..." In reality, it tells the individual states, from a Federal perspective, that they do not care whether Florida wants tougher standards, or perhaps Oklahoma wants them to be fingerprinted, etc et al.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a huge 2nd Amendment advocate. I buy guns more often than I do shoes, it seems. But, at the same time, I am a VERY strong advocate of the 10th Amendment. This is not a WIN by any stretch. instead, it creates new provisions, new rules, and new Federal directives regarding something that should be left up to the States. I believe the 2nd Amendment clearly spells out the right to carry concealed, showing, handgun, shotgun, whatever... but we needn't trample on the other Amendments for an incremental "win."

    Just my $0.02.

    Keep up the great work at there, brother! I'm building my own shipping container project at and have followed you since the early days! I've also got you linked up over at my main site,

    Kevin Hayden

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  28. At fifty bucks a bag for the dried rice sprouts it would be an expensive concrete additive. It is expensive enough just to eat.

    22.How is the protein made? What is the process?

    During the fermenting process of brown rice syrup the carbs and sugar are extracted; this method allows us to achieve 80% protein in our mixture

    I think I will stick to real food. If I want a lot of protein I will cook a big pot of beans and a side of steamed rice.

  29. @BBC, all freshwater is recycled. Only 2% of the world's water is considered potable, the rest will slowly do you in. When guns are made illegal, everyone will get one. They banned handguns in the UK back in the 90's but there are now more handguns in the UK than anytime since WW2. Gun prohibition is as stupid as drug and alcohol prohibition. It doesn't work in the faux progressive/socialists states of Europe and the misguided antigunners will always fail to see that no gov't will every be able to protect all of the people all of the time from the criminal element or the mentally deranged.

  30. Reciprocity makes sense, but only when there are universal standards that will prevent nutcases from legitimately using the system to acquire weapons. Otherwise a fellow with an axe to grind in Podunk, where the rules do not include a check to make certain nothing is loose between the ears, can come driving on in to my sleepy hamlet and blow the place to bits.

    Granted, criminals will get guns anyway. It's those who are drooling that I most worry about.

    Should we have better standards, then this proposal makes sense. Unfortunately, anything that even appears to give more "power" to the ordinary citizen will fail, so it is lost on two counts.

    The second count is covered in my are three basic rules for federal law-making, refined over many years of observation:

    a) if it helps ordinary people, vote no, or drag it out for years until it is dead.

    b) if it helps war, projection and exercise of power at home and elsewhere, vote yes, late at night when no one notices.

    c) if it helps banking, pharmaceutical, oil, gas, and military/spy operations, vote yes and wrap it in a flag.

  31. John, you sure know how to spark a debate!

    Glad to see you took a day off to relax. Hope it was a good one for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  32. depends on the kind of pie we are talking about

  33. I am not talking about banning someone for content more so for ie, language. BBC really needs to read the entire Blog of TFL to undertand John and the workings of the TFL.

    I love God, Guns and Country. Carry a concealed weapon in my purse 24/7 and I don't care what State I am in. I have a permit where I live, but I'll ask forgiveness if I ever have to use my weapon in another State.

    I can't decide whether the Federal National Carry bill is to be able for the Government to secure a list of all carrying individuals or truly something to help us with our Constitutional right to carry wherever we are. I am so suspicious of anything that Congress passes with Democrat support that has anything to do with favorable gun rights.

  34. Maybe that JW feller should be banned. He seems to be the instigator.

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