Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Went out to friends shooting range today.  The new Kel Tec 9mm is still jamming occasionally.  Hopefully after I pump 200 rounds though it - I will get it sorted out.  This is a known problem with this gun (that isn't supposed to happen anymore).  Only clogs with the Federal ammo I am pumping through it.  The Hornady Critical Defense loads slip though like a dream.  Did a full cleaning on the weapon when I got home.  Will try a different brand of range ammo for some more trials. 

My friend CB picked up some goodies for me in Mexico yesterday.  Kinda like backwards trick or treating.  When I got home from the range - I found another gift package at my door. Third time Terlingua Chili Cookoff/TFL visitors Curtis&Mellissia and Carl&Melinda stopped by while I was out.  Hope to track them down before they exit the coming madness.  Come to think of it - there should be a whole slew of returning visitors stopping by this week.  I'd better stay home from here on out to greet them. 

Soaked down yesterday's pour and pulled the forms.  Nothing like fresh concrete in the desert.  73,81,43,0,C


  1. Cerveza Dos Equis...Muy Bueno!

  2. Polish the feed ramp on that Kel-Tec.
    A little bit of die grinding compound on a soft cloth. Clean it out good when you are finished.

    If it is steel to steel on your slide you can use a little there too to assist in break in. Do not use if you have an alloy ( aluminum ) slide or frame.
    Next time buy proven, reliable weapons.
    Kel-Tecs are always suspect. You might be able to take it back and get something else.

  3. S&W has compact M&Ps. If these weapons are for self defense it is best to stay with the same pistol. Muscle memory is the name of the game and swapping between different brands and their different trigger pulls, ergonomics etc is not what you want.

    The Ruger is ok because you are only going to use that weapon within five to ten feet. It is your get off me gun or back up gun and with it's limited fire power you want to unload it on your adversary. Start at the gut and work your way up. Shoot them to the ground.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You seem to be getting back to what I thought early on was so interesting and different about your blog. The photography. I'm amazed that I'm amazed how interesting a picture of some snacks, cigs, a couple of 6-packs, and some concrete can be. You have a genius for making everyday stuff look exciting. Your skills with a camera are amazing.

  6. Kel Tec bashing aside, I'd've maybe gone with an M&P compact .40 myself to match the big guy. That said, most every gun finds ammo it doesn't like. If it won't digest a brand/load, don't feed it! Plus one on polishing the feed ramp.
