Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Last night I downloaded and installed the latest version of webcamXP-webcam7.   This allows me to do time lapse and motion capture from my various webcams....thanks again Neil for the technical support.

Spent the afternoon prepping the south wing for the next pour.  Got all the forms set - including the steel 4x4's for the next door frame.  Plucked a nice looking tomato off my big plant to go with dinner tonight.  54,70,30,0,C


  1. Totally enjoyed watching your webcam today (on and off as time permitted). noticed Mr. Hopper looks to have taken up residency in the greenhouse. he passes by when you least expect him...and so quickly that you're not sure you actually saw him. I thought Benita would never stop eating this evening. that girl really enjoys her meals. and Beatrice waited calmly for mom to finish and leave before approaching the bucket. such respect.

  2. Spent the afternoon looking for shit that should be in plain sight.

  3. Mr. Wells, is Mr. F in danger?

    between Austin, D.C., and the lack of water, it's becoming hard to get by even for an ass. Hope the drought breaks soon and the gov't mules, donkeys
    and "real" asses find better things to do with their time.
    Sadly, too late for the 128...

  4. A lot of prep work = a good pour. Looking good from that high angle shot.

    So nice for you to be able to pluck a fresh tomato or melon from time to time. I recon by this time next year you should be producing quite a bit from the greenhouse. How about a bee hive?

  5. Watching benita chew is kind of hypnotic.

  6. 10:00 AM and no work gitt'en done on that thar building. May have to hire some illegals to do the work we won't do. I figure we could get five maybe six illegals for what we are pay'in JW.
    Food cost would be less too they don't need none of that fancy store bought SPAM. They will catch and eat rabbit, gather wild squash and Prickly Pear cactus, a little lard and masa is all need.

  7. Dying to take a look, too. What's the link to the cam?

  8. Here ya go Grace.

    It is at the top of this page under
    THE FIELD LAB as well.

    Pay no attention to the crack in JW's porch buttruss's concrete. We will bust that out and do it right with reinforcement steel on the new pour before the county code inspector comes nosing around.

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  11. @TCM: The still is from a game camera set up to take a picture automatically when something moves within range. Pretty good resolution for one of those.

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  14. Don't click on the little flag like I did that is in the upper left hand corner. It flags TFL as a pervert site. Oops.

  15. I use WebCam Monitor, an excellent motion detection software and I love it. It has time based recording and motion detection alerting, remote viewing, along with many other features that are useful. Easy to use and reliable.
