Friday, December 2, 2011


1.  Replaced old wiring from some of my solar panels to one of my battery banks. 
2.  Boiled my batteries for 2 hours (performed an equilization charge)
3.  Pulled the forms off yesterdays pour

4.  Dug up and moved 14 wheel barrow loads of dirt into the south wing  43,58,49,0,B


  1. nothing to do but marvel at the sunset!....thanks for the equalization reminder, its been a while.

  2. Red sky at night, paver layers delight!

    How old are your 6v golf cart batteries and how are they holding up?
    How about the 12v agm's?

  3. Wow. Nice color morning and evening. The Golden Hours. While living on the beach at Mazatlan a few years ago, it occurred to me that a movie consisting only of time-lapse clips of sunsets, each one lasting a couple of minutes and with a trance sountrack, would be pretty cool.

  4. I guess we should pave over paradise while we enjoy sun ups and sun sets.

    Frankly, I don't get it, I'm not building an empire at my age, I'm going camping and boating.

  5. Just realized that the advantage to having a metal house in the desert is resistance to the very real possibility of a brush fires. Cool.

    Guess I was a little slow on that one.

  6. BBC said...

    " I guess we should pave over paradise while we enjoy sun ups and sun sets."

    "Frankly, I don't get it, I'm not building an empire at my age, I'm going camping and boating."

    Hell BBC he is camping. The boating will come if he ever gets that damn dam fixed or makes himself a roof metal canoe to ride down the river.

  7. Living out west, where there are not nearly so many trees, buildings, or people to get in the way, the sky takes on a greater role as part of the scenery. The clouds give the light something to play with on the way down. Very nice photos of the sun's rise and set.

    Hard at work, as usual, John. The paving, nearing completion, is looking wonderful.
