Saturday, December 17, 2011


Alpine run today....can't help but wonder why our Border Patrol inspection station has so many new cameras set up....I reckon they are looking to see who's been naughty or nice.   46,50,43,0,B


  1. Those camera's I think capture every view of every vehicle and measure the 'ride height" of the vehicle as opposed to the ground.
    Upon return from the border region, the vehicle is "scanned again" if the vehicle is lower to the ground than it was going in. Then the vehicle is subject to further scrutiny.

    Gee' with all this Border Security stuff, I feel safer already.

    A predator drone passes over my house returning from surveilance missions in South Texas every night almost at the time. Im out their drinking beer eating Dorito's in my driveway. I wave to the controllers who are still at work monitoring the Infrared Red camera's and guiding the drone back to base.

    Sucks to be you. Im drinking beer bud, your still at work.

  2. This same security apparatus has been in place for several years at the checkpoints on U.S. 90 near Uvalde, and also at the one near Del Rio. We just grin and flash 'em half of the peace sign as we pass by....

  3. Looking for Mediterranean fruit flies, no doubt.

  4. Is that one of Dick Cain's longhorns posing on the wrong side of the camera?

  5. It is the corrupt,criminal organization that has taken over the government doing what it does best, violating the rights of the citizens. We live in a police state.
    Our government is of,by and for the people. The corrupt,criminal organization in place now is of, by and for many things but We the People are not one of them.

  6. Wonder what will happen when they reopen the border there near Big Bend?

    Can't wait to get to Terlingua again. And a Field Lab field trip is definitely on the list.

  7. Hey John...Have you thought about doing a new series of post cards using the mountain, wildlife and range photos you have taken...This last picture is spectacular...

  8. It's scary being an American sometimes.

  9. Well said 2Dogs, and "they" tell us that they are "doing it for our own good"

  10. Drove by those cameras yesterday as some sort of activity was going on at the BP station. My rubbernecking caused a slight veer to the right which got me to thinking what will happen when somebody hits the cameras (and lights) at 60 mph. Their tripods put them at just about windshield height.
