Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Woke up way too early this morning...4:30AM.  Spent the pre-dawn hours digging through Classmates.com.  Ended up finding what would have been my graduating year high school year book for Tell City High School in Indiana.  Looked at every page and was reminded of friends I had long forgot - kids I was in school with from 3rd grade through freshman year.  Tracked down 4 of them on facebook - including a girl I had a big crush on in Jr High.  Puttered around the hut all day cleaning up while thinking about the old days.  Sharing my space with 2 tomato plants for one more cold night.  36,52,30,0,B


  1. Hey, I didn't know you had a crush on me! I had a crush on you too! Hahaha! I always wanted to get to wear that suede vest you had with the long fringe on it! OMGoodness, had not thought of that in a long time! Good to hear from you. A lot of miles have been laid down since then..

  2. 24 deg. here, u got balmy weather john

  3. What year did you graduate from Tell City HS? Proud to know you are a Hoosier by heritage!

  4. Happy anniversary to TFL. 1,461 days and counting.

  5. it wasn't an early morning elephant visit? -
    thermal imaging and night vision required at that hour.

