Thursday, January 19, 2012

got the winch

Morning run to the post office to mail out books and grab a real breakfast at the Motor Inn Cafe.  No Mr. Floppy today, so Benita ate without disruption and I didn't have to chase off a donkey over and over.  Moved a pile of dirt into the last back fill section of the courtyard.  Afternoon visit from my friends Casey and Dr. Gig .   When it comes to off grid systems, I'm just a hack - but these guys really know how it all works.  Rounded out the day with deliveries from Fed Ex and my hitch mount and winch.  Lots of wires to snake around once I get the thing bolted down.  61,79,30,0,C


  1. Talkin smack about Floppy is bumming me out.............

  2. that's as clean as that winch will every look...better get a cover!

  3. Can't wait to see the upcoming adventures of that winch in action rescuing wayward visitors in distress.

  4. Hi John!
    I was wondering why you didn't use those unpaved spaces as a place for some kind of flora instead of paving the whole area? Keep up the good work! Greetings from Czech.

  5. I keep trying to catch up with Casey but so far have not been able to meet him.

    Mr. Floppy might be down at the Capital protesting the shootings of his relatives.

  6. Good looking winch and such. Very nice of you to do all that to help out wayward strangers.

    Couple of cool websites. Thanks for the links - got 'em bookmarked!
