Monday, January 30, 2012

Mr. Floppy - In The House

Last night's UFO was the innards of a Honeywell rate gyroscope.  I bought two of these last year from a surplus place - they were used for missile guidance systems back in the 80's.  I don't know how they packed that sucker in there but it was a bitch to cut one of them open to see what's inside.  Mine cost $16 each - I bet our govt. paid a lot more for them for their weapons of mass destruction. 

Continued working on the courtyard/container Rubik's cube today.  Mr. Floppy helped so I gave him some advertising space.  59,69,33,0,B


  1. I bet you welcome any help you can get, even Mr. Floppy's.

  2. Wow! The photos really give a sense of the space inside your building! You did a really great job! I hope one day I do something that cool!

  3. Great photo of Mr. Floppy; one can almost see his personality. Nicely done, John.

    And you too, Mr. Floppy.

  4. When no one is around does Mr. Floppy talk like Mr. Ed used too? How did you get him to smile for the picture?

    the rat

  5. Mr Floppy was after the hay LOL He left loads of evidence...

  6. It appears that you buy some things for the same reason I do, to tear them apart.

    I don't recall ever seeing a greenhouse with anything other than a dirt floor.

  7. Thank God Floppy took the road less travelled and ended up with you!

  8. Hey, BBC, I think the floor is stone for the "thermal mass." The sun heating the stone helps keep the greenhouse warm. It's common in greenhouse spaces that are also living spaces.

    Here's another example:

  9. O--O-O--O-O--OH ..JDubya ! Now that photo and caption would make a fine Tshirt .Mind if I rip it and take it to the local Tshirt dude ?

  10. Mr. Floppy isn't a wild burro. He's far too tame around people. Wild burros are a menace to all the native wildlife out there in the Big Bend area. They are wreaking havoc on the desert environment just like they did in AZ and Mexico. This is a problem created by human folly. If folks who claim that the Texas PWD shouldn't shoot them really care about them then they should pay to have them rounded up and cared for on their own dime and not complain about the gov't actually solving the problem they cheapest way they can.

  11. did a Google Image search of "honeywell rate gyroscope and the first and last images on the first page were TFL photos - you are setting yourself up for future DoD contracts or a visit from one of those B1Bs that frequent your sky... low profile Floppy, low profile -

  12. Carlos, you are wreaking havoc on my psyche. Spout your ignospeak somewhere else, please.
    And yes, Mr. Floppy was a wild burro at one time.

  13. I just noticed that Mr. Floppy has a chunk missing out of his right ear. Looks like someone, or something, got a hold of him. It's probably been there all along, but I just now noticed it.

    It all looks great, John. I'm wondering if you have anything in mind for that gyroscope....

  14. @Carlos - what the hades,dude - you ride a Jackalope, have you seen the kind of mayhem those things can cause? It took forever to get that smell out of the backseat of that '49 Desoto.

    p.s. the number of problems government "solves" is far less than the number it creates... and the only "dimes" it has are those exacted from the people.
