Monday, January 23, 2012

seven pavers short...

Something to think about when thinking about growing your own food.


  1. Really good article that you sent us to. I would say that the skill set you gain from growing so much of your own food also adds to the perceived value of the food. Anyone can throw money at a consumer item and buy it, but it takes skill to grow it, maintain it, and tend it. I know this because I unintentionally kill every plant that I come into contact with. Thankfully, I'm better with animals.

  2. Good link, John...thanks. And Beth....I think we went to the same gardening school..hehe.

  3. As Beth and Grits, I have a brown thumb; but admire and envy those who don't.

  4. Thanks for the link. Gave me much to ponder on today. Sometimes it is good to stop and consider exactly why we do the things we do..

  5. i'm not at all religious...but growing ones own food is a spiritual experience...adding to ones serenity.....good luck...ken t

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gardening doesn't interest me and it's doesn't save one money.

    Just looked at the web cam, looks like you can take the day off, looks nasty out there.

  8. A great article. Thanks for the link.

    Looks like, every day, you're getting closer to getting the green house operational.

    Looks like we'll be getting some rain. Hope some makes it out your way.
