Saturday, January 28, 2012


The Field Lab Gypsies 2012 packed up and hit the road this morning.  Thanks to Waylon, Robert, Jason and Jeff for a great steak dinner last night.  Pretty gusty out here so decided on an Alpine run....critter snacks and various bits'n'pieces.

here's that link one more time:

Home in plenty of time to lay out 2/3's of my sushi order to thaw out for 2 hours.  Took it over the the McKenna's for dinner tonight along with a pre-warmed bottle of was damn good.


  1. Sushi bar in the desert. Who would have ever thunk?

  2. morning after update: I ate 30 pieces w/10 shots of sake - delicious, went down smooth, stayed down without even a rumble, came out like a champ!

  3. Wow! Good for you! It's so cool that y'all got to enjoy that fine food way out there. I love me some sushi, but have yet to develop a taste for sake. I take my sushi with a good Japanese or Korean beer.

  4. Nice Goin'! Ain't the modern package services wonderful? There you are (with all due respect) in the very middle of no-effing-where, and you and your neighbors can be dining (pigging out, really) on sushi from the great Northwest. BTW, JW, KUDOS to you for the way you set the table for all & sundry: Benita and her buddies, the bunnies 'n burros, the UPS guy, the phone folks, the neighbors and the random drop-ins. That's real hospitality. And thanks for the update on the plumbing.

  5. Least used phrase in Brewster County, " I'm hungary. Let's get some sushi".

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
