Sunday, February 12, 2012

damp donkey day

Drizzle this morning then cold/cloudy/breezy all day.  Mr. Floppy was not amused.  Was checking Christopher and Meret's facebook TINY house film page this morning and saw a comment from another John Wells. Came up with the perfect project to start on a "stay indoors" crappy day.  Sent out a facebook friend request to 100 guys named John Wells.  So far 20 have accepted.  Not sure where this is gonna go but eventually we may rule the world.  32,37,35, .17",B


  1. I have a FB group called "I'm am Erica Gibson and so are you."

  2. so if there was no internet would TFL be? or is a digital desert a necessity...
    Hope Mr. Floppy has a solar blow dryer and doesn't go all frizzy as damp dunkeys are inclined to do.
    Benita wouldn't be amused by puffy, my little pony" Floppy... although he could be a Uniconkey.
    I'm picturing 100 John Wells squaring off with 100 Agent Smiths...
    blue or red? knew Dennis Hopper was in that somehow... (rabbit-holes & all)
    "You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." -Morpheus

  3. ... thanks for the Woot tip too - was looking for something like that - it's on the way.

  4. I love that! 100 John Wells. What could be better?

  5. Poor little Mr.Floppy, he does not look happy.

    BTW where has Ms.Benita been these past two days?

  6. floppy looks positively miserable. hope the milder temps today warm him up.

  7. John I know you have your hands full with all of the projects you are working on but, at some point do you think you will build a shelter for Benita or Floppy Ears to get into?

  8. Enough to harvest any H20 ? You'll be needing it soon with the greenhouse just about done....

  9. Wow, another 100 John Wells, with 100 TFL's you could really tame that desert. Problem is, where you gonna find another 100 Benitas's or Mr Floppy's ?

  10. Poor guy. He does look miserable...

    The 'Hundred John Wells' army would be a potent force.
