Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Been thinking about this feature of the greenhouse for months now - finally got around to making it happen.  Filled in the underside of the exposed purlins on the west side with more tin.  Last task will be to cut and mount some steel with the appropriate radius to cap off the exposed opening in an artful manner.

Got a big bonus today.  Finally spotted Mao's new calf hanging out with mom just NW of TFL.  Drove over with snacks and got a chance to get up close and personal.  First new calf of the season.  57,74,40,0,B


  1. congrats mr. wells on your growing TFL family ( human and animal)wish you continued success in your endeavors.

    the mohave rat

  2. wonder when Mao will bring minimoo in for the inaugural visit.

  3. Good looking calf!
    Just a note about fastening the
    sheet iron. Always put the fasteners on the ridge - never in the valley because this is where the water runs. Will cause leaks.

  4. Nice detail! I was wondering what you were going to do there.

  5. Been wondering what you were going to do with that massive vent, but what about the outer roof skin and below?

  6. What a great picture of Mao and minimoo ;)

  7. You got the right idea. How are you keeping your food refrigarated i.e. your solar chicken? AC

  8. Nice, I was wondering how you were going to finish it off. Looking good.

    Cub, I've heard the debate between peak or valley on installing corrugated tin for years. Last time I installed some on a roof I thought that I should settle the matter (in my mind at least). I contacted the manufacturer and asked them their recommendation. Valley. I understand the argument for peak, but they stated that you could not properly seat the screw with rubber washer if it was in the peak as it could not be brought down flush. In that case, it looks to me that John is doing it right.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. John,
    This is my first visit to The Field Lab Blog. I was introduced to you by Mel's Video / Texas Reporter message sent out today. Your life is fascinating and I will continue to follow what transpires next.

    Mark Morris
    Royal Oak, MI

  11. I guess a lot of us were wondering if you'd cap off the ends somehow. Your solution looks great. Looking forward to seeing the end result.

    Mama and little one look nice. That's an impressive set of horns on the mama. Hope they took the snacks in the intention that they were given.

  12. The green house is looking good I love the Clean line of the metal upper side roof is a wonderful art work and Functional art work and a wonderful home
