Thursday, February 9, 2012

nuthin' but sun today... much for our rain forecast.  Finished closing in the "porch" on the east side - more polycarbonate and some roofing that I pre cut months ago.

Something from my JD spicy salad mix seeds I planted has gone to flower.  Had to check what was in the seed packet and compare the plant to some google images.  28%Black Seeded Simpson, 17% ea Green & Red Salad Bowl. 12% Marvel of Four Seasons, 11%Bibb, 7%Arugula, 5%Curled Cress, 3%Mizuna.  Searched the whole list...turns out it is Mizuna.

There just might be the first TFL longhorn arrival of 2012 out there somewhere.  Benita has had a new friend hanging out with her for about 2 weeks.  I named her Mao.  She was starting to show signs of dropping a calf soon.  Mao disappeared 2 days ago but showed up late tonight really hungry and afterbirth hangin out of her.  It has been my experience that the mamas tend to park their newborns in a safe spot and head out looking for food.  Hope she brings the new critter in to visit soon.  58,69,30,0,B


  1. Well Papa John...Hope your family grows by one+Mao...

  2. a new baby for the Field Lab. this is great news. hope Mao brings its around soon. can't wait to hear the new baby's name.

  3. do you keep all those numbers on a spread sheet ?? LOL

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I call her Mao because she looks
    Asian....her full name is Mao Tse Dung

  6. John, you were just waiting for someone to ask wern't cha?

  7. Reminds me of that old book, "Spot on the Wall" by Who Flung Dung.

  8. Hi John, off subject but was wondering if there was more land for sale in your general area? I would love to leave my crowded city and replicate your way of living. My wife might not be to inclined but I am fascinated and live vicariously through you. Would love to visit someday and make front page on the Fieldlab. Of course bring a case of the bubbly!

  9. That almost finished up east end looks great!

    Your Mizuna has a pollinator.

    It's great to learn of the comings and goings and life dramas in Benita's social world. She seems to be comforting Mao in this pic.
