Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bob met Carl...

Day of pondering...the greenhouse is closed in but the list of stuff still to do keeps growing.  Tended the plants including lots of sprouts from the Mexico Midget Tomatoes I grew last year thanks to Dr. Deb.  This is the first time I have saved seeds and started new plants with them.  Rather empowering!

Got some volunteer mushrooms growing in some cells on my flats.  I pull 'em as they spring up.  Fired up the first EarthBox today as per instructions.   Got 3 (from seed) squash sprouts going in this one for the first test.  First test is to monitor the watering.  More tests to follow.  71,84,58,0,B


  1. I understand the large number of visitors....shrooms like those - WOW.
    I believe it means you soil/mixture is not sterile. Just an old mind searching back in memory banks.
    I looked up to tomatoes. It seems you should have a very heavy crop.
    Bob and Carl made a nice portrait.
    Regards, David

  2. ...a sterile mix will grow nothing.

  3. lots of shots of Carl....hmmm.... he's not going anywhere

  4. I move (make a motion) that Carl and Mr. Floppy get their own Facebook page soon. Do I hear a second? Also I'd purchase a coffee mug of Carl. I'll be patient.

  5. John, I see I really did mis-remember. I now think it was for germinating the seeds. Sorry, it was so long ago.

  6. David - growth mediums such as straw, wood chips and manure are normally sterilised before being used to grow mushrooms to prevent the growth of rogue mushroom and plant species. This is important in commercial mushroom production to prevent poisonous species in the harvest. For a veg patch, there is nothing wrong with rogue mushrooms as their growth can actually improve soil conditions. Just don't eat it if you don't know exactly what it is.

  7. Looks like you better keep old Carl the alarm clock around. Farmer John may start getting a lot more busy in years to come!

  8. Bob? has eyes like Mao....has she and mini moo been around lately. i'll be watching for them.

  9. correction: sterile media is good for starting seeds but not for growing plants.

  10. I 2nd the motion for carl and mr floppy ears.

  11. Soil steralization only removes the pathogens. fertility would not be effected. best is pasterization(heated to 165 degrees)removes harmful pathogens but leaves beneficials.

  12. The increasing complexity of your operation seems to be cause for thought. Ya got a lot going on there, John!

  13. John,

    After all these years of reading your blog, no offense, but I think this is by far your best quote: "a sterile mix will grow nothing." I am going to use that in a variety of contexts and attribute it to you.
