Monday, March 5, 2012


Got the north doorway welded up and all the tin cut.

Visit with my new Georgia friends Christopher, Mike and Stephen.

Carl and Mr. Floppy are sorting out their differences.

Stopped by Paul and Voni's today for my first vist.  Paul fixed a flat on my Ural for me in 30 minutes.  I got a buyer coming out next weekend.  P&V got a loaf of TFL Solar Oven Bread coming soon.  Voni shot this photo of their Texas rain guage on their new outdoor shower.

FINALLY!  After a year, the GrubShack is allowed to reopen tomorrow morning on a contingency basis until the health department inspector comes back to check on the long list of required improvements including a new septic system that is big enough to handle a 24 hr. truckstop Denny's. 


  1. It's sad that Texas puts more emphasis on natural fertilizers in the ground than nearly anything else...

  2. Very nice work on the greenhouse. You're really rolling along there.

    I detect a family resemblance in those three fellows.

    What a fun picture of the two critters. Establishing the pecking order, I reckon.

    Great news about the Grub Shack! Hope it sticks.

  3. you're kidding on the septic, In the middle of freaking nowhere. You could dig a pit and treat what little there would be. Amaizing. Didn't realize you were doing the chicken thing. Would love to do that but not enought time. will enjoy seeing you build a coop and collecting the eggs. It was Chick Week at tractor Supply this past weekend.......

  4. Turned on your webcam few days ago & what comes walking in front of the camera? A chicken! Couldn't believe it, called kids to look & said "You have to see this.." Carl was already at home & "in charge"; like he owned the place!

  5. John, great work on the greenhouse. It looks like it is about finished.
    I am old Beemer motorcycle guy and have been following Voni and Paul for years. Love their rain gauge but can't believe it's not red.
    I will be down in about 3 weeks. I will try to come by.

  6. Cool - very happy for you all that the GS is opening again. Enjoy the opening party LOL

  7. Happy to hear Grub Shack's reopening....and on Alamo Day! Sure y'all will have a festive day over there!

  8. Bee hive supers, there to the left of the welder. I'm especially looking forward to reading about this project. Beekeeping is fascinating to me.

  9. Septic systems requirements in Texas for commercial purposes are pretty strict. Usually based on the max number of folks that the restaurant will hold/serve during a single day. They are always much larger than household systems. A septic system that large should be able to supply enough water/effluent for a good sized garden slash oasis.
