Thursday, March 29, 2012

planter score...

The good neighbors (McKenna/Elmore) scored a couple hundred feed tubs destined to live again as planters...I got 24 for free.  That brings me up to 39 total - I think that ought to be enough for year one of growing tests.

Blew two fuses on the 50 amp battery charger that I use with my generator on cloudy days.  Not sure what caused the malfunction but its working again.  That little zip lock bag with replacement fuses that I taped next to the charger 3 years ago finally came in handy.  Sure feels good to be prepared.

Got more plants in the mail today - a dwarf fig and a coffee plant to experiment with. 

Had our last chance for a rainstorm this afternoon - not a drop at TFL.  Next 10 days = no chance.  76,90,55,0,C


  1. Dang it. 3 days in a row and you didn't get a drop. At least it made for good cloud watchin'.

  2. Isn't it great being prepared! So fewer surprises .

  3. Blew two fuses on the 50 amp battery charger that I use with my generator on cloudy days.

    That's redundant, mount a car alternator to a gas motor. At least you admitted you are doing tests, but testing can be damn expensive.

  4. Nice job securing some new (used) planters. I reckon you have enough growing medium to fill 'em.

    Having your preparedness pay off is such a good feeling.

    It's going to be so interesting watching all the plant experiments come on-line over the next few years. Best of luck with everything.

  5. Where are you ordering your plants from? I'm interested in a coffee plant like that...I've been following your blog for a while and enjoying it greatly, hope to make it your way some day!

  6. How is the fig tree doing? It would be cool to post a inventory log and status on the types of plants you have grown and document the successful plants (and failures)
