Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the search continues...

Still too windy to work so I took the long trek today checking the SE trail - still no sign of Benita.



  1. i would have loved participate in that search ,past ones, and new ones might come, as a great op to know the area well.I still do not think she might have passes away .The water availability trail which animals seem to know can help. The fact that most of the burros have not returned means they have even a bigger area where they live than the one you think or know . I ve seen those wild cows in Big Bend State Park areas well pass Lajitas going West all along towards Presidio and in vincinities of Pecos River up and down those Canyons .Please continue posting interesting piclike these one of the areas you travel searching . Thanks if so.

  2. We MUST Form a Prayer Circle For Benita! Everyday--wherever you are--at 12 Noon and 6:00 PM, say a prayer "For Benita's Safety and Safe Return."
    Regardless of your god or your form of communication, send up a real prayer and ask that Benita be found. I MEAN THIS!!!

    I leave the following invocation here as sincere request and a suggestion for Benita's Prayer:

    Dear God: Please keep safe and protect Benita the longhorned cow. Please guide her back safely to those who are looking for her, and keep her safe on her journey. We ask that we find Benita so that we can honor her distinguished beauty and intelligence that she has brought to this world. Keep Benita safe. Thank you. Amen.

    And for those of you who believe in St. Francis, Patron Saint of All Animals, pray: St. Francis, please protect Benita and guide her safely back to those who love her. Surround her with your love and guidance so that she knows she is loved and missed. Guide her safely back. Amen.

    Say your version of Prayers for Benita every day at 12 Noon and 6:00 PM, until Benita is found. Be Specific to PRAY FOR BENITA BY NAME.

    Miss Benita.

    Miss America

  3. Any chance that someone in the area has a helicopter that could be used to look around for her?

  4. I refer you to the post of July 11, 2010 and the love poem "My Benita" if you need any more inspiration to pray for Benita's safe return. (see above post for the Benita Prayer Circle).

  5. That's a long walk, if you went on foot. Hope she, or her remains can be found. It's the not knowing that really gets you. Best of luck.
