Tuesday, April 10, 2012


My new friend Whitey Flagg passed through this weekend.  He and his wife and kid are buggin out of NYC....ultimately headed for South America.  Whitey brought me some super olives and I picked up some super vodka.  We over-indulged on dirty martinis 2 nights ago.  He is getting ready to start a 3 month building apprenticeship at CalEarth.  http://calearth.org/

Got the misting system up and running today....not sure yet how effective it will be but at least the mechanics work.  Overnight wind and rainstorm....mostly wind.  79,90,60, .09" ,B


  1. On the way to CA, Whitney should stop by Simone Swan's place near Presideo. http://www.adobealliance.org/simone-swan/
