Thursday, April 26, 2012


Worked on the pen and got a start on the coop before it got too hot.  Gonna just keep screwing parts together till a coop in the corner emerges.  Carl checked up on the workmanship.  Thankfully it was overcast all day or I woulda seen 110°.   92,103,65,0,B,0


  1. I guess he assumes that it will be his new home. Birds are funny. Our little hen finally either ran off, or was eaten by neighborhood cats. I miss her.

  2. Carl seems to enjoy altitude with his attitude - maybe he's still on the lookout for the hound that rearranged his tail feathers? Will there be a roosting "tree" of some sort or will the hens keep him grounded?
    Carl might like Teller, but might peck Penn... no, he definitely would.
    MrTeller irony
    P&T&the King
    103º- way too early for that, stay cool with the plants & critters.
