Sunday, May 27, 2012

a sunday...

90,100,69,0,B, 1.18


  1. West Texas centipedes are deadly! Do not handle!

  2. West Texas centipedes are deadly, do not handle, Id kill it..

  3. Uh, that's a (harmless) Millipede...

    Oh, well..Maybe it could TICKLE you to death, I guess... Or you could CHOKE on it...

  4. look at Floppy's beautiful friends. and Carl! that chicken is livin' the life. Happy Memorial Day!

  5. Is the millipede counted in the daily food total?

  6. That is the millipede. Up at the bunker we have the centipede and I mean;

    Giant Desert Centipede!

    Barb laid her hand on one in bed a couple of weeks ago and woke up really fast. He tried to hide on the back side of the bed post but I performed an extraction.

  7. Not sure about the millipedes but the centipedes out here are bad bad bad news.. We had one that crawled out of our RV tub drain, it was bleached white, apparently had been in there a while feasting on whatever was in the grey water tank.. We tossed it out side not handling it.. Then looked it up.. Found out the centipedes here in west texas are deadly.. More feared than rattlers. :o

  8. centipedes experts, carl, floopy mention...keep it going dude, enjoy xxxx

  9. You're 15 head short for getting your load to town me some fried rattler

  10. Those burros are an untapped resource. Of course, If you were to round 'em up and put 'em to work, you'd have to feed 'em.

    More vegetable bounty.

    Carl, chillin'.

    Creepy looking bug. None for me, thanks.
