Wednesday, June 27, 2012

my girl

OBC made her first all day appearance at TFL since her legal adoption....she brought friends.  From the cow photo - which one of these is not like the other?  ( JustMe is not allowed to play - she's too smart and fast)  First correct answer in the comments wins a free Benita Memorial Tshirt.  Caged the gangly beefsteak tomato plant today.

Got the first viable avacado sprout in the dirt today.  Salad for dinner.
97,106,71,0,B, .22


  1. The speckled bovine is not a solid color.

  2. The patch on the forehead of the foreground center cow looks like the pattern of the left-hand animal. Therefore the right-hand dark animal does not belong. The shape of the horns also suggests the two on the left are related.

  3. They are all long horns but none are alike.

  4. The ATV (those are handle bars not horns).

  5. None are like each other...

  6. Two possibilities the way I see it.
    1 - The 2 on left left are looking at the camera, and the one on the right is not.
    2 - The horns on the 2 on the left curve outwards at the ends, but the horns on the one on the right appear to point straight up

  7. The Red/brown one is laying on its left side the other two are laying on their right side.

  8. The left container has no outside door in the pic.

  9. We have a winner....

    Unknown said...
    The ATV (those are handle bars not horns).

    June 27, 2012 10:11 PM
    send me your mailing address and size you want.

  10. The only unlike cow is the south end of one next to the atv. It's unlike the other 3 because you can't see all of it. You hitting that Cuervo today (friendly question)? Killer beefsteaks, I had 10 + 10 roma that looked like that till Debby beat the sh*t out of them for 5 days...

  11. Thanks for the grin. I'd have sent you an e-mail instead of posting here, but I see that Unknown already got it and has been acknowledged.

  12. Obbie is a very pretty girl. Her forehead marking is lovely.

  13. The black is not a longhorn. I give. Blue-roan?

  14. The black is not a longhorn. I give. Blue-roan?

  15. The winner has until midnight July 1 to contact me, otherwise the prize goes to:

    Abby said...
    The quad

    June 27, 2012 10:12 PM

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I am allergic to tee shirts so please give my prize to Abby (she guessed it only one minute later) and besides, I only wanted you to see how clever I am.

  18. You are the most clever and thy will shall be done. Are you allergic to postcard sets? Would be happy to send you some.

  19. Unknown, you are quick, clever, and gracious! I can't wait to get my very own Field Lab shirt! Sent you my address, John - thank you!

  20. black's horns point up; the other two's point out

  21. Glad someone got it. They all look the same to me.

    Killer tomato plant.

    Won't be long 'til avocados.

    Nice dinner.

  22. ATV huh, hmmm and here I thought the question concerned cow ownership, In which case OBC is not like the others. Unless you include the ATV.
