Tuesday, June 19, 2012

new cows

New cows on the horizon - too shy to come in

Finished insulating the oven box and Carl inspected the work

Cut and ground parts for the 2 axis gimbal stand

Salad for dinner  102,110,68,0,B, .26


  1. Words out among the ranch critters that your an easy touch for treats and a long drink of water.

  2. I must have missed the primer. I'm guessing here, as the box tilts the pan inside stays level at all times.Carl likes living on the edge,tempting fate.......

  3. guess I should call it 3 axis....pivot and tilt on the oven box and tilt for the soon to be introduced cooking tray . http://www.omick.net/solar_ovens/current_solar_oven.htm

  4. John,

    Is that link the current design you're using? I'm probably being dense... sorry. Looking to make one ourselves and have no idea where to start.

    Chris Miller
    Our180.com - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  5. Hope this is not a duplicate...seem to have lost my first attempt at a comment. Here goes...

    LOVE the photo of the 'new cows'. You should sell prints of of it. I promise to be your first customer!

  6. I think it was that cow on the far left, very dark face, but brindle body, that came in when SH and OBC were hanging out yesterday evening. It seemed to herd off SH, then OBC decided to follow along. Nice to see the 'horns back. Still missing seeing that special pair tho.

  7. Looks like your new oven is just big enough to cook a whole chicken.

    Thanks for taking pictures of the progress, I've made one solar oven and cannot get it much above 200 degrees. Looking forward to seeing how your new one works.

  8. Maybe Carl is trying to "de Bug" the oven.

  9. Looks like Carl is volunteering to see how well the oven works.

  10. Yep, the new cow pic is an instant classic.

    Great looking progress on the oven. It's essential to have the seams inspected closely as you go.

    Dinner looks lovely.
