Saturday, June 23, 2012

An Older Texan Remembers...

Friend and fellow daily blogger Ben Woods died this morning around 1:30AM.  I met Ben on September 22, 2009 when he came out to visit TFL with Jim and Carol Boatman.  He'd been back to visit twice since then.  His last post on his blog was 2 days me a favor and post a nice comment to the self proclaimed old fart.  

Lord, when my time comes - take me quick like you did ol' Ben.


  1. I was out there at the same time. That is how I found out about him from you and Bill Bob. That was also when I discovered the blogging world.

  2. Wow! What a BUMMER. Hate to hear he has left us.

  3. Lord, when my time comes - take me quick like you did ol' Ben. (John W)
    Death an exact hour xxx la muerte una hora EXACTA !
    -poet Angel Montoya Bogota Colombia-

  4. Done. I hope his folks have a sense of humor...

  5. Surprised and saddened to learn of this. Old Ben was a very good guy. I'll miss his comments, videos, and blog posts. Condolences to his family.

  6. Dang it ya'll. I kind of had a feeling something was wrong, he's like a clock every morning.
    I'll put him on my prayer list.
    Please keep us in the 'loop'.
    HVAC Schools in DE
