Thursday, June 14, 2012


Transferred 150 gallons of last nights rain from a greenhouse tank to the house tank.  FedEx dropped off black trays I ordered for a solar water distiller.  Had dinner at the Cain's - food and company was so good I forgot to take a picture.  Raced home ahead of some rain that amounted to just a trace...looks like more storms from the west might breach the vortex later tonight.  Swamp frogs are making quite a racket tonight.  96,104,71, .12,B


  1. Are you going to give us any info on the solar distiller - please?

  2. oh have FROGS! they spray enough pesticides here every spring/summer that the tadpoles don't have a chance. haven't heard a frog chorus in many years. you lucky duck!

  3. You have a swamp? I love my swamp and the frogs sing every night.

  4. I need an explanation of a swamp frog.

  5. i have a quick question about the water transfer. do you have some type of flow meter or do you just use the capacity of the tank to measure your fill ups? the rat

  6. For those out there who don't know about the Cain's , please go to You Toob and type in "Pioneer Couple" and there is a story about them from the show Texas Country Reporter (how yours truly found the Field Lab). I envy you, John for having wonderful friends like them and I bet that dinner was delicious and the company was enjoyable.

  7. John - your mention of frogs really got me excited. Before we left Missouri we had our own place in the middle of the woods on 4 acres with a private pond and we loved it. We heard the frogs every night and almost couldn't go to sleep without them singing. It was really cool.

    Now I know for sure that we need to find a tract out there that will allow us to have some standing water like that - although I would make sure its a long ways from the house like yours. I honestly didn't even know it was an option. It seems as though evaporation happens so fast that it would be tough to sustain but we're going to try! Leave it to JW to have the only water in all of Terlingua Ranch lol

    Andy V - Thanks for the note on the Cains. Off to watch the video now.

    Can't wait to get to Terlingua.... we're moving fast here and should be there soon!!!

    Chris Miller - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happinesstface

  8. Glad you got some water.

    Can't wait to see this solar distiller come together.

    I just like the sound of the phrase "A chorus of frogs", as well as the actual sound of a chorus of frogs.

    Yeah, I watched that video about the Cain's a couple years ago. It's a flattering portrait of a lovely couple. Wish we could meet them sometime.
