Monday, July 23, 2012


Culled some plants that are pooping out in the greenhouse and prepped for planting more stuff that works.  My favorites so far are malabar spinach and swiss chard....both plants grow like mad and the spider mites leave them alone. 

Working on a plan for a large enclosure for Ben.  Coaxed the little guy back inside the hut this afternoon for a low fly/cool nap.  Took him an hour to settle down...then he was out like a light.  93,104,74,0,B,0


  1. that was my concern looking forward when he starts maturing and grow up...meaning the "buffalo story" wanting to get into the home, real ? or those animals might not establish that bond as dogs and others...not too much interest with peers yu said dude...that would be very interesting as time passes. e.g. Carl looking for "hens" climbing on female visitors, Floppy "having an erection" when nice ladies arrond...VERY DIDACTIC EXPEIENCE there at FL .

  2. Nice nap low flys and some cool, gotta love that if you have blood in ya.

    and Pablo I would have spit my coffee out cept I didn't pour it yet! lol dam that would be one funny ass comedy . Maybe we can have those hawt producers comeback and get to filming .


    thanx cya around

  3. How about a report on what plants are making it and which ones didn't ?

  4. Trial and error in the greenhouse. Hope that what grows well also tastes good!

    This care of the newborn is very time consuming and meticulous. Best of luck with it.

  5. you will soon have a 1000 lb.+ lap bull...ought to be interesting in the very near future......
