Monday, August 6, 2012

an empty container...

Cleared out the future house container so I can start studding and insulating inside.  Left the back door unlatched and a gust yanked it off its' hinges.  Wasn't up to welding so I played with some rocks instead.  The sloppy east stack has been calling to me lately.  Having a lot of technical issues with Ustream...back to Stickam till I sort them out.  91,99,74,0,B, .12


  1. Is this container house going to be your future house or a guest house? It appears to be bigger than your original house .

  2. Would you please post a link to your Stickam feed? Thanks...

  3. East stack looks GREAT! Can't wait to see the progress on the container.

    and for fieldlab

  4. Watching this house come together is going to be very interesting. Have you lassoed Ben yet?

  5. It's great to see that empty container. Such possibilities! It seems that it will at least double the living space over the little house. Any plans to cut any more openings in the container?

    Must've been a STRONG gust to take that door off!

    The new stack looks great. All that loose rock laying around is a great source of building material. Love what you've done with it.

  6. You won't know what to do with all that space that you created. Oh the decorating that you can do there...
