Saturday, August 25, 2012

here comes a horn...

Was able to scootch the fence on the table saw just enough to make the cuts.  Zipped through all this foam like butter.  Ben's horns are pokin' through now...he's 56 days old today.   82,102,72,0,B,0


  1. Did he get fretful like a baby does when it cuts new teeth.

  2. Just what I thought, like when your baby gets his first tooth. LOL Boy do kids grow up fast.

  3. Happy B'day Ben. Congrats on the rapid cuts I was watching yesterday and yeah that new setup ripped the foam like butter.

  4. Have the same saw...wouldn't want to try and build fine furniture with it but it has come in handy
    many times.The adjustments aren't accurate so I use my speed square to set it up. Most cuts are 90s or 45s. Some of the parts are get what you pay for............

  5. You just wonder the shape they'll take once fully grown. It would be nice if they took a Benita shape!

  6. That's a lot of production in one day. Way to go!

    I can imagine the new horns poking out for the first time must either itch, or hurt. Best of luck to the little guy.

  7. What is the R value and thickness of the foam?
