Saturday, September 1, 2012

Michael Pollan

Great start to September.  The hens have been making quite a lot of racket during the past week and now I know why.  Went out to do my weekly hen house cleaning - found 8 eggs.  Reckon checking the hen house will be a daily chore from now on.  Way to go, girls!

Been looking forward to this event for a month now - glad I talked myself into attending tonight's presentation in Marfa with guest speaker Michael Pollan.  Best part was after the talk when I went up to him to introduce myself and he said he had been expecting to meet me.  Thanks Tom Michael of KRTS Marfa Public Radio for setting that up.  Had a chance to have a little chat with Mr. Pollan about The Field Lab.  I just happened to have my copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma along for him to sign.  Thanks also to my friend Luc Novovitch for catching our meeting on video and providing the screen grab.  91,100,65,0,B,0


  1. Maybe now you will be ready to go again on building and continuing your dream! It helps to get new inspiration every once in a while.

  2. Unless Carl has had access to the hens, I am surprised by the "0" at the end of your report. Worst case sell to the Grub Shack!


  3. Congrats to the girls...excellent looking brown eggs. Happy also you got to Marfa. Did you good to go to town and get a little intellectual stimulation. Now for church on Sunday and the spiritual inspiration. Hope you enjoyed the Cow song.

  4. It was a superb talk! Please post the video of your chat, I'd love to watch it...

  5. Great new source of protein. Fresh eggs are so down-home!

    So nice that you got up there to meet Michael Pollan. Wish we could've been there.

  6. Pollan has an quite an extremist view about food. Not that a disagree all that much with his opinions but out here in 'on the grid', very few of us can afford timewise to raise our own food or afford organic all the time. Hopefully soon, I'll have more than a large pot to grow something in.
