Friday, September 7, 2012

Teresa Elliott

Mark your calendar...Alpine Artwalk, Nov 16&17.    Featured artist will be my new friend Teresa Elliott - brilliant work with bi-peds and bovines.  Love this painting from her website...could be Ben in another month or two.  Check out her work at  

Haven't been down to the swamp lately.   I got a jungle growing in the canyon now.  First time since I been here that is has been so lush and green down there.  I think I am on to something.  Reminds me of a bit from my cowboy poem, The West is the Best
"The west was callin and I been fallin hard for this great land,
just add water and plants take over and cover the rocks and sand..."
Speaking of YouTube...finally signed up for Google Ad Sense to monitize my videos.  Keeping the ads and donate buttons (I really hate donate buttons on blogs) off my blog so I gotta start somewhere to bring in some income to support Ben.  92,100,68,0,B,0

This just in from Carl Mrozek..."Tex Parks & Wildlife recently admitted that they're again shooting burros in Big Bend Ranch Park.  Inside sources indicate that they never stopped, - that they only said so to appease the public."


  1. Can you say, "Reality TV Show?" I'd rather watch you and Ben than watch Honey Boo Boo, the Swamp People or Ice Road Truckers (uh...not that I ever have).

  2. The only way I would agree to a reality TV show?...$250,000 Till then there is always

  3. Need to drill a well while you still can and keep a pond full...

  4. Did you ever hear back about getting some of the Obama money to put in a permanent dam. Reality shows pay about $100,000. per episode per person in them. Usually film 8 episodes for the pilot. That could be an $800,000 payday even if the show wasn't renewed. A Reality show with Self Sustaining setups could be a great show.

  5. Looks like a hint of fall at the ranch. I love the painting.

  6. I'd bet that you are seeing a lot more bugs there with the swamp. I am here with my little part time pond. Also frogs and other stuff I haven't seen before. For some reason though I haven't seen a single Mexican General up here.

  7. always impressive what water in the right place & amount can do.
    sorry to hear about the TP&W action - getting to be common place that gov't just flat out lies with impunity.
    Ms. Elliot certainly has an eye and the skill to lay down her vision - almost always good to have creative friends.
    hope the GooAdSe does what it needs to do... a Pop gotta do what he has to do.
    There is no such thing as reality TV -
    that's the illusion/delusion, but I'd watch.

  8. Well that news sure helped my blood pressure (along with the crab cakes and wasabi sauce). Damn Texas Parks and Wildlife.

  9. Is that your dam, John? How did you stop it from breaking through - the bentonite? Please let me know - we're going to try the benonite route too... (won't you please write to me - you have my address :) Thanks

  10. Love the last photo, water and rock.

    So sad about the burros.
