Monday, November 5, 2012

red neck clothesline

Did laundry today...found another use for my truck rack.  Here is a Proboscidea parviflora in its dried state.

Ben tried his first yucca flower today...and only one - must be an acquired taste, like me and brussels sprouts.  I hated them as a kid but now I love 'em.  Hopefully Ben won't turn out like me and my lifelong distaste for lima beans.  Prepped for the last fence stretch.  70,80,45,0,B,0


  1. The devil's claw. My grandmother used to take a few of them, glue them together to make critters. She would dress them up with eyes and clothes. Very cool looking things to a six year old.

  2. still don't like lima beans or breaded-tomatoes

  3. yu seem to like/use mainly blue blue jeans, old not in very good condition man, i do not understand how yu do laundry there as no washing machine in Desert unless yu go Terlingua. Teeth cleaning/dental care can be done cheap good in Ojinaga, crossing the Border from Presidio (requires a US Passport Card) that s what I do when in the area or in Piedras Negras or Progreso.

  4. Lima beans? Yuck.. We've grown them the last 2 years. Only way I like them is directly fresh, no cooking. Nutty taste. Otherwise they are for Bob when I feel like I can handle how stinky they are when cooked.

  5. 2 thumbs up for lima beans. Love the large butter beans even more. nice clothesline.

  6. Devils Claw, hadn't thought of those in quite some time. Use your new fence for a clothes line, works better than the truck, as then you don't have to stay home til they are dry (or maybe you do).

  7. Lima beans with hamhocks over rice with a good size squirt of catsup on top! That's how I like 'em! Maybe Ben needs some catsup on his yucca!

  8. Redneck is one word you damn yankee!

  9. Love your clothes line. We do something similar when out camping. It shouldn't be too hard to stretch a clothes line out there somewhere.

    That probiscus thing is wicked looking.

    Another great pic of little Ben.

    The home stretch.
