Friday, December 28, 2012




  1. link to a video shot by my friend Carl Mrozek for CBS Sunday Morning.

  2. Saw the CBS Sunday Morning clip (watch every Sunday morning). But gotta sell that moon shot. That. Is. Beautiful! My jaw drops every time i go back to it. Excellent pic John.

  3. Best picture of the moon that I have ever seen.

  4. Dadgummit, John, you're killing me here. That moon pic is so stunning, I just want to pack a u-haul and drive straight there. Thank you for sharing such beautiful sights with us.

  5. Great colors in that picture of the moon! Looks like that new camera is going to work out just fine for you. (Just try to keep the sand out of it.)

  6. Rev are you a believer? The Sumarian tablets predate Judaism which was founded by Abraham the son of a Sumarian priest. Very interesting that the Sumarian tablets and Genesis are so very similar and the Anunnaki believed there is a Creator of all.

  7. the Mrozek imagery was beautiful, but then I read the comments on the Sunday Mourn site and that imagery was NOT as captivating -
    seems NV/Feds are doing similar things to the Mustangs that TX is doing with the burro - tough times in the feral equine world as the bipeds
    seek to "manage" their existence.

    know that folks were giddy over your capture of the long night moon, but I think the last barn shot is a timely view - red, white, blue
    hard-scrabble & bovine buddies
    — happy 2•0•1•3 - Es ist ein neues Jahr - se trata de un nuevo año - est novus annus - peace John Wells.

  8. wonderful picture of moon, wish it was full when my daughter and I were down there last week.

  9. Great shot of the moon. Discovered you on youtube and love what you're doing and where you're doing it.
    Mike D.

  10. thanks Mike....drop by if you are ever in the neighborhood!

  11. Nice long shot of the moon. I like how the long focal length brings far away things closer to near objects, to the point that it looks like they are actually right next to each other.
    I enjoyed the video of the wild horses. Hope they can be left alone.
