Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Put a second coat of paint on 10 lengths of trim.  Lots of thinking and measuring = slow progress.    Painfully worked my way around the SE corner and finally got the east soffit done by sundown.  At this point, the only thing getting me through this unplanned project is my love for Ben.  I hope he appreciates my attention to detail.  52,81,30,0,B,0


  1. Something tells me that you are a perfectionist...... LOL!!

  2. Well i can't speak to how he feels about your attention toward detail but it's evident that he loves you too. Ya'll were really cute out there playing this afternoon. since i have no building skills, i had to look up 'soffit.' no wonder you're feeling worn out. I was watching you measuring and remeasuring and wondering what the heck was going on. It all looked just perfect to me. I wish you had access to a good hot tub this evening, but maybe just a good nights sleep will do the trick. The pen looks phenomenal. Maybe a couple days of recharging your internal batteries will help also. We've got a cold front coming. Stay warm.

  3. Looks awesome to me John. Almost livable for us humans! hang in there.

  4. It looks amazing! Great job. I'm sure Ben appreciates all of your hard work!

  5. How do you plan to finish off those corners?

    I've got so much to learn about building / carpentry. I've worked in just about every construction trade one can think of but i've never done carpentry or worked with steel. It's going to be a rough few months for us.....

    Chris Miller
    Our180.com - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  6. Christmas at the fieldlab?

    John invites his friends over to wear full costumes and shoot a nativity scene inside Ben's barn.

    Just make sure Ben doesn't eat our saviour out of the manger.

  7. Field Lab's 2nd Christmas:


  8. Ben is very fortunate to have you in his life.

    In contrast it saddens me to see Walter (the neighbors horse) with the sun beating down on him in the summer time and tonight scared with the wind blowing and no shelter to speak of...yes indeed Ben is a lucky little fellow.

  9. That is one heck of a nice barn.
