Friday, January 25, 2013

a field lab friday...



  1. Incredible cloudscapes today. A herd of white longhorns. Bud would fit right in. Are those Mr. Cain's? Sure do miss seeing them strolling thru TFL.

  2. these cows aren't longhorns...they live down in Study Butte.

  3. those cows look VERY thin and their pen looks filthy. Horrible conditions. I would report them to dept of Ag

  4. Ben & Bud could pal around with Rusty & Tufty...
    once they get a wee bit bigger -
    Scottish cousins
    they aren't longhorns either, but they have long horns...

  5. Wow Amy.
    I see your from Illinois, a beautifully rich green part of our country. What a blessing.

    Well, here in the mountainous desert of Texas, it's a very different geography. Not to mention altitude and climate. I'm not sure you know this or not, but Texas has a pretty long history of cattle. So, unless you have been here before, or have studied the history of Texas cattle, or even been to a 'Texas' steakhouse, I'd ask you to reserve your criticisms.

    You love animals, and we love animals.

    I mean really, have you not seen how much John loves Ben, and Carl and every inch of land he lives on.

    Come on Amy, no doubt this can be an ugly world, be we are on the same team.

  6. Nothing like order to bring harmony and well being. Looks like you're spring cleaning well ahead of spring... LOL

  7. Those white cattle can't be John's...I think we all know he'd never let Ben get so thin.

  8. These cows live down at Study Butte Stables...they are happy, healthy, well fed, and have plenty of room to roam around.

  9. Mr. W - do you think this cow looks thin and based on your recent fencing experience, is this a heavy enough gauge of wire?
    fence clip
    whoda thought just posting a pic of some contented bovines would begin to stir things? Folks need to take a breath & stop sucking on the tizzy pipe.

  10. I am enjoying the skyscape photos. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I really love it out your way. The daily photos sure cheer me up. Thanks!
