Thursday, January 10, 2013

cheese and horns



  1. He is growing up for sure. Nice looking cheese.

  2. Yeah, you're gettin good at the cheese making. looks delicious. Got my soap and the cutest soap dish from Marfa Maid. Hope to try their cheese one day. 13"!!! Look at that boy grow! But the interesting thing about the picture is that it appears he stood still for you to do a kid standing still to let their parent take their measurement on the door facing. After watching a while yesterday it appears you got a chore on your hands getting Bud's trust. Bud wants to but Ben's letting him know that you belong to him. I know you'll prevail.

  3. this Blog is getting BORING (non informative) mainly NUTS + out of Place-non related "Sermons", sorry see yu John yu re going that route . Jess (and fiance gone, each it s way, property abandoned I assume,GShack Restaurant closed)The Field Lab not a real Field Lab as initially intended and described. All that is nuts man xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Pablo...I feel compelled to answer you because we have met in person - although I consider this blog to be a diary and not a dialog. Let me ask you this. What did you do on this day? Did you experiment on how to make cheese? Did you adopt and bottle feed an orphan longhorn calf 3 times a day for 6 months and measure its' horn growth this evening? As for my "sermons", you said you would be skipping the Sunday posts. As for the rest of the folks out here, they come and go as they please and are not here for your entertainment - they are living their lives. As for my intentions and descriptions of The Field Lab, all is going according to plan - but some days, not much happens. If you are no longer entertained, I suggest you go live vicariously through someone else or go watch TV - but don't attack me because my life no longer interests you.

  6. I'm both NUTS and fascinated. Thanks for taking the time to give us a peek into the lab each day.

  7. Does Bud have any horns showing yet?
