Thursday, January 3, 2013

cold day one

hmmm....blogger wont let me upload any photos tonight.    It was cold today...sleet off an on...bacon egg and cheese for breakfast...Carl came in for 3 hours this morning...the boys stayed in the barn all day...baked chicken for dinner.  34,38,36,T,W,0


  1. Glad to hear Carl got special treatment. Brrr

  2. It is cold all over Texas. Where is this global warming when you need it (grin).

  3. baked chicken, eh?

    how did that happen in the cold and sleet?


  4. Really glad to hear Carl is getting special treatment, but wish the girls could too...hope they have plenty of hay in their nests to snuggle into. Remember, they're little combs can freeze and it's said to be very painful for them. Boy, it's super that you got that barn finished in the nick of time for the boys. Maybe this experience will bond them even quicker. Sure wish Floppy could find a warm place to hunker down. Take care out there!

  5. Carl seems like a tough old bird, I figured it would take longer than 3 hours on the oven to get him good and tender.

    Just kidding.

  6. It seems like you finished Ben and Bud's barn just in time for them to be shielded from the cold.

    Hope all the other animals in the Big Bend area can huddle together for warmth tonight.

  7. "Carl came in for 3 hours this mornin."

    "baked chicken for dinner"

    Ouch! Poor Carl!

  8. Looking forward to some snow pictures in the next post.

  9. Wow, look at those temps! Hope everyone of your critters stayed warm enough.
