Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Our 80% chance of rain turned into sunny most of the day.  Continued "prepping" for some rain tomorrow  by moving part of my quarry over to the barn.  Soaked some moringa seeds over night and stuck 'em in dirt today for an early start.  Winter seems to zoom by out here and before I know it - it's hot again.  Will keep these in the house where it's warm till they sprout.

Just got this photo from my friend Sheila Collins (Dick Cain's daughter).  This is Dick's steer, Blanco.  Hard to imagine that Ben will be this size in about 7 years...I hope he will still enjoy a nap in the hay with me when he is this big.  44,58,37,0B, .24 


  1. Somehow I would translate Blanco as Scary!

  2. Blanco is a very goodlooking steer and there's no doubt that Ben and Bud will be just as handsome! Beautiful rack on Blanco.

  3. Did the snow melt or did it sublimate into the air? I wonder if Blanco could buck? Those horns would make any dismount scary as all get out.

  4. I think Blanco could enjoy anything he wants, anywhere he wants. Maybe you should start right now being extra nice to Ben, supplying rations, water and scratching any time he wants them and even if he is'n sure whether he wants them or not.
