Saturday, January 5, 2013

the way it was...

40,56,29,0,C, .26


  1. Beautiful pics, JW. I can hear the quiet. That camera is fine. Kinda wish that the Ben action pic was Romper Stomper II on You Tube.

  2. It's times like this that a man might appreciate indoor plumbing.

  3. Last pic is really beautiful. Look how Ben's horns have grown!

  4. It's times like that are when I love the desert.

  5. You need to blow the mountain pictures up and have them hanging this summer when it is 100˚+.
    Good to see some longhorns were roaming on their snowday.

    Ben & Bud may have to grow their hair out or start wearing wigs if the snow continues...

  6. liked this image too - snow can be a good backdrop.
    as Sean Connery might say:
    snuw kouws

  7. What a great set of photos! Love seeing The Field Lab covered in snow. From photo #3, it looks like a good portion of the skylight got covered in snow. That's bound to have cooled things off in there. The last two photos are awesome. So good to see some free range cattle are still roaming around.

  8. also, great photo link, remmij. thanks.

  9. John
    I dont see the fence clips on the T-posts on the last pic with Ben. You get them yet, or did they get hidden by the pic?

  10. John, West Texas is beautiful and you capture it so well. Given your history I imagine you have some very high quality images, but of course when posting online only reduced file sizes will do. Have you ever thought of posting some of your pictures at max file size for download? This could be a nice fundraising source for you. Ever since I bought my new house I've been looking for good Texas photographs to blow up and frame. I haven't found many good ones and they usually charge several hundred $$. I would gladly make a donation to the Field Lab and Ben care fund in exchange for a full file size download of some of these beautiful photos.

  11. Hows the weather i hope the snow is gone. I think you may be in for some rain tues or weds. Ill be out there wedsday to do some surveying and land clearing

  12. John- The photos make me miss the desert. That last one would be a great Christmas card for next year. Beautiful.

  13. You can actually step into your photos. That takes a special touch. Thanks.
