Friday, April 5, 2013


As per usual - on the annual celebration of my birth, I tend to reflect and dig through the archives.  Found a couple of $25 savings bonds.  My Aunt Kay and Uncle Dallas gave me one when I was 5 years old.  The other I got from my grandfather Harold Niles when I graduated from high school.  Did some digging online about them this afternoon.  Both were originally purchased for $18.75.  Together they are now worth $367.47.  Both are listed as "Matured and not earning interest".  I should probably cash them in soon since my relatives initial investment in this country is now translated into debt.  Kinda ironic that my life is earning  interest while I have yet to mature.  76,91,59,0,B,0


  1. "Kinda ironic that my life is earning interest while I have yet to mature. " one of the best TFL quotes ever! Happy Birthday John!

  2. Don't ever mature. That's my motto...hugs...Terry

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hope you had a blessed day,a :D to u from Steven and Ruth McGee

  5. to be 54 and be able to make the last sentence of your post is an achievement.
    Would not presume to suggest what a man does with his capital, but I would say those pieces of paper have historical value that far exceeds their face or accrued "value". Who would have believed on 4/1/64 when the bond from your Aunt & Uncle was stamped in Vallejo, CA., that that city would declare bankruptcy in 2008 (helping to pave the way for Stockton to do the same currently)? Or that in 1977 when your Grandpa Harold sent the bond from Georgetown, he was living in a State that would currently be making pot tourism a component of its tourism industry... a State that inspired America the Beautiful...or Blitzed now?
    Sometimes it's good to have some physical reminders of how much has changed in under half a century. You are a witness and recorder of histories, large and small... happy birthday Mr. Wells.
    ironically from the AARP-Vallejo
    For purple haze mountain majesties-Colorado

  6. Happy Birthday, John. I'm proud to be celebrating my birth on the same date as the founder of TFL. Please keep up your excellent blog demonstrating a terrific example of an alternative lifestyle for us TFL followers to ponder each day. My daily "books" don't close out each night until I've referenced your daily blog for some foundational inspiration for living the "good life." Keep up your excellent work and enjoy your special day!
    Compost Bob
    Kingsbury, Texas

  7. Many Happies, John - all the way from this side of this planet. May your day be all and more than you hoped for - filled with Blessings from above.

    Dani & RMan

  8. Happy 54th Birthday...may you celebrate many more!

  9. Happy B-day !Let's see ,Bernanke
    has got the dollar down to a penny by now..that's 3.67 - 49 years of inflation - 54,000.00 ( your part of the national debt)= mighty fancy toilet paper you have there.
    The good news is it's high quality toilet paper, so use it and wash it 4 or 5 times as you are the recycling type, then throw it in the mulch pile.Now that's real value! As a B-day present I'm giving you my share of the hope and change..ENJOY !

  10. Happy Birthday, John! I'd cash those bonds out and invest in something you know won't lose all its value ie silver or quality tools. Maybe another solar cell or two. Every erg of energy you can produce for yourself is worth the investment. Energy prices aren't coming down to even the 90's level prices ever again. During the 19th century, the have's in this country were people who owned land and made something from it. The havenot's were almost exclusively urban. Looks like we're coming around to that again. Try putting up solar panels in a tract housing subdivision these days!

  11. Happy belated birthday from the Mahanays.
    Enjoy the blog everyday!

  12. happy belated birthday. thank you for sharing your life, animals and projects with us. -hw

  13. Belated greetings!
    In my country the Philippines, we have a saying, "kalabaw lang ang tumatanda" translated : only the ox gets old."
    Happy birthday!

  14. Happy belated birthday John. I hope you enjoyed your day.

  15. Sending many birthday wishes your way! Hope you had a great day! Anyway at TFL is a great day, isn't it? :)

  16. Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was grand. Cool photo and story today. Are you going to cash them in?
