Monday, April 22, 2013

big food day....

TFL breakfast with Swiss chard omelette with 2 TFL eggs and home made mozzarella,  Carl learned to ride Mr. Floppy today (proves he aint no chicken).  Nice big first squash to go with dinner tonight.  87,96,44,0,B,1.75


  1. Proves that Carl has big brassy ones!

  2. If your vegetables taste half as good as they look (and I'll bet they do!!), I'll need to borrow that compost "pit" recipe from you in the not to distant future!!
    Compost Bob
    Kingsbury, Texas

  3. that makes me think Floppy & Carl could go on tour…
    Floppy could sub for Keith and Carl and Mick… well, they say it all in just four letters and seem to share a common strutting cockiness.
    Beast of Burden

  4. Carl and Floppy...too cute. Excellent looking veggies coming from the greenhouse.

  5. It all looks so good!

    Carl needs a cowboy hat now.
