Saturday, April 20, 2013

first spinach

Managed to eek out 3.7 grams of melted sterling with the big lens today.  Nice clear skies but it was tough going because it was windy.  Gotta keep it molten because once the mass hardens, it is nearly impossible to get it liquid again with just the lens.  Ended up having to use my torch to get it out of the now well seasoned crucible.  Dinner tonight is a roasted (in the propane grill) happy chicken from Blue Water Natural Foods, some TFL mozzarella, and fresh spinach grazin's from the greenhouse.
77,85,40,0,B, .20  If I add in the egg per day from my girls that I've been eating this year - total food output from TFL thus far has been (each egg averages 48 g without the shell x 110 days = 5280 g or 11.84 lbs...including today's greens harvest)


  1. Do we get to know the ultimate plan for the silver?

  2. Man that spinach looks good! Ran out, bought frozen, can't quite get my head around it to cook it...congrats on the Marfa pics! Missing seeing the "boys" on the webcam, but patiently awaiting the camera being returned & in working order.

  3. Your Silver bump looks like it has a smiling face...

  4. You need to experiment with Aquaponics and raise fish in a stock tank in your greenhouse. I guess the real test is the amount of water evaporating and if you could keep the water cool enough for the fish. It's a Field Lab Field Experiment none the less.

  5. It is amazing to me that you can melt silver with that lens. Maybe if you had a chamber to keep the crucible out of the wend, but open to the sun from the top, it might get and stay hotter.

    The spinach looks very delicious.

  6. It looks like Little Silver is as happy to see us as we are to see it.

    Is that Carl in the background lusting after your spinach?
