Thursday, May 2, 2013

Added Value

The wind kicked in around 4AM this morning...been gusty all day.  Found a way to pass the time out of the elements.  Been looking for a metal stamp of a longhorn to add to my ingots, but the only thing close is actually more of a buffalo (you call those horns?).  Decided to spend the day in the graphic design department here at TFL.  Downloaded a trial version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 and tweaked a picture of Benita to extract a sample to submit for an estimate for a custom metal stamp from     54,59,52,0,W,.2


  1. That will be a beautiful and special ingot. Good luck and I can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. If one of your artist friends in Marfa could engrave a shallow image of that design into the blank face of your new mold? With a fine dremel tool and a steady hand, could turn out nice.

  3. You might also try a quote from I've never ordered a custom stamp from them, so I can't speak to their prices for that, but for silver/goldsmithing supplies in general, they have good prices and good quality.

  4. Thanks Hannah....I have ordered from Riogrande before - just sent them the artwork for an estimate.

  5. If you need help converting the image to vector art (if that's what they require), I'd be happy to do that for you in Adobe Illustrator. No charge. Just give me a tour of TFL if I ever make it down that way. Cheers.

  6. great call.very cool.
    i also like Dale's idea.

  7. take a look at Tandy leather, they have a longhorn stamp, made for leather but it might work, and would be tons cheaper.

  8. My friend The Hoop suggested that - leather stamps wont hold up very long being pounded into sterling.

  9. What a great idea. Can't wait to get mine!

  10. TFL Sterling Airstream jewelery would have a nice niche market :)
