Thursday, May 16, 2013

Animal Psychology

Interesting turn of events today.  A picture of Carl and a bunny will have to suffice.   Did an Alpine run for feed and supplies.  Got home around 3 and it was getting hot finally...up to 93° inside the hut (I think Pepino II season starts tomorrow).  Decided it was time to put on shorts and sandals.  Went out to do chores around the grounds and Carl came after me just like he does with all my visitors.  He was relentless no matter what I said to him.  Put my jeans and boots back on and....nothing - he was my buddy again.  This could definitely be a problem as summer rolls in.  Now I have to train Carl to accept my bare legs - maybe they are just too white.  Perhaps I will try shorts and boots tomorrow to ease him into it.  83,102,57,0,B,0  


  1. He's just jealous you can take off your outter layer in the heat.

  2. Carl thinks you're a chicken and is going to show you who is boss.

    Rooster Management:

  3. Maybe he thinks you are a woman - showing your legs and all - he always attacks ladies, right? Poor confused Carl.

  4. Leather Cock Muffs:


  5. Chickens like Carl makes good chicken brooth

  6. "Only girls wear shorts and boots in Texas" :^)

  7. really confuse him....cut only one leg out of an old pair of pants and walk around...see what he does. nice to see Mr. Rabbit standing up to him. was hoping for just a few more days of lower temps over here, but A/C time is upon us.

  8. Rita, that's a great idea. Or you could take an old pair of jeans that you want to make into shorts anyway and cut an inch off the bottom of them every few days.

  9. Strange bird. This one sounds like a challenge, so good luck with it.

    Yep, it's definitely AC time in Texas. Turned mine on last week.
