Monday, May 6, 2013

From a different time...

Went to digging into the archives today...looking for antique sterling from my great grandmother (that I would never melt).  Haven't found it yet but came across my mom's set of Towle "King Richard" sterling flatware that was almost lost in the fire I had back in upstate NY.  In its' present condition, it has more value as future TFL ingots.  Nostalgic sucker that I am - I will preserve one place setting.  We used to eat with this only on special occasions in our seldom used dining room.  In my present state of mind that seems awfully bourgeois...but my parents were from a different time.  My meals now come from one pot with one spoon and knife in a 128 sq ft house that is kitchen, office, bedroom....and dining room.  I am quite comfortable with that.  On special occasions I might use a paper plate.  I don't dare use my grandmother's Limoges China.  78,94,65,0,B,.35    


  1. And if you don't use your grandmother's china, who will?

  2. That is a tough choice you will be making. once it is melted it is go forever. So go slow my freind there is no real rush.

  3. No chance you might need two place settings someday?

  4. Slow down and wait......mail box will whisper your name and then they will come!

  5. Am I the only one that thinks it would be highly entertaining, if not symbolic to see a video of Ben licking peanut butter off of a silver or golden spoon?

  6. eat off a paper plate, but Benita got the good China now and then. Hope the boys get the same opportunity. I'm with the other hurry to melt the flatware.

  7. Love about a picture, with the silver place setting too?

  8. We inherited silver-ware from my husbands grandmother and use it everyday since hearing bacteria can not live on it.

  9. To Nelle:
    Bacteria also can not live on door handles that are REAL BRASS. Hard to find old handles but I have found some. Cheers
