Saturday, May 18, 2013


Nice Saturday.  Figured out I don't have to train Carl not to attack me if I'm wearing shorts....I just put him in the pen with the girls.  He hangs out all day near them anyway and doesn't seem to mind being in with them.  Now I can try out different outfits to test him with while he is behind bars - he really hates sandals with socks.  90,103,58,0,C,0

This just in...Canvasman34 has another one of his micro mini furnaces available on Ebay...bidding ends Sunday night.  These things are great if you want to play with fire.


  1. Makes you wonder if someone has kicked him in the past wearing sandals and shorts?

  2. Hope you like fertilized eggs because you got them now, hens only need to mate once and they are good to have chicks for a long, long time.

  3. As a former fashion photographer, you should be very much used to dealing with the reactions of fashion critics.

  4. Love seeing the longhorns again. (Those sandals are kind of scary.)

  5. Guess I will have to send you and Carl a speedo so both of you get a tan. The chicks will dig it :-)
    Rosharon Buddy

  6. it's like Mothers Day a week late at TFL. look at all the mommas and babies! always nice to see the cows again....and what the heck is up with Carl?

  7. HI,
    just saw Ben F's tv program featuring the Lab. Brilliant! Did you just get tired of the 'creative' world that isn't really creative at all. I work in the design industry and sometimes i think Who cares WHO CARES if that type is 2mm further up or if we move that image this way. I think what you are doing is fantastic. Its such a pity that in order to live a sustainable self sufficient life you need to be in the wilderness. Just shows you that most of us don't really live at all.

    Cheers and thanks for letting us all in to your life for a while. it was really interesting.

  8. That's a really great pic of the longhorns. --I think we all share Carl's distaste with your sock-n-sandels look :-)

  9. Wow, someone must've missed his meds today. Oh, well...

    Cool that you can let Carl hang with the girls for a while.
    I learned a new phrase recently - "Crocs n' Socks". When I heard it I looked down, and, yes, I had on my Crocs with socks. Comfy and cool when I have to be on my feet tending bar all night.
    By the way, those are some cool looking shoe/sandals you have on there. What are they, if you don't mind me asking?
