Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Show...


  1. Really cool show John. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to come out and visit again. Larry

  2. I still don't know why he wouldn't want to include those morning, noon and evening bottle feedings...and lil Ben's dancing around wanting that bottle. he was such a cute baby...and still a cute teenager.

  3. I've been reading your blog for several years now & have enjoyed it immensely. This video was great fun! Loved it!

  4. John,

    Don & I will see you this fall!

    Great video! It demonstrates what a great job you have done in making a new home on the Terlingua Ranch.

    God has certainly blessed you and your efforts.


    Ronald Mahan

  5. A brilliantly done essay.

    John, you deserve credits for opening your home and life to Ben, and to us. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  6. John, I've been following you daily for the past two years and showing the Country Reporter to my inner-city Pasadena, TX, students during the last weeks of school. (Strange kind of Math teacher!) Your insights and doings put a quiet punctuation to the mayhem of school teaching each night when I can finally close out the day. Thank you for keeping on, for following your dreams, for your transparency and willingness to hear the criticism, for sharing your personal evolution in spiritual matters.

  7. John,
    Been following your blog since the beginning.The video was wonderful to see.Gave me a whole new perspective of just how hard it must be to make it out there..


    future owner of #46 ignot

  8. What a treat! I've wondered about so many things since I began following your blog and the film answered some questions for me. The photography was first-rate, Ben Fogle was clever and I feel "the city slicker turned lone desert bloke" lifestyle was fairly represented. You don't get too personal here on the blog (except for Sundays), sometimes just a glimmer comes through and for me, the emotional aspect of living this way is what I find most interesting. In a strange way, what you don't say, speaks volumes.

  9. Looked back in the archives, the photo shows four other people in the film crew. Where did they sleep, the airstream?

  10. John's done gone Hollywood on us. :)

  11. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and enjoying it. Thanks for sharing the video.

  12. The Editor just don't know Ben!
    I find you have to incircle the whole view of you and what you have there to get the larger picture, think out side of the box....
    In Rosharon your Buddy!
