Saturday, June 15, 2013


Two months of planning, buying, cutting, melting, pouring, sanding, stamping, polishing, and packing and I am finished.  The last of the ingot orders are ready to ship on Monday.  Nice to be able to offer some hand-made value rather than have a blog loaded with meaningless ads just to count on pennies per click-through.  Kinda at a loss now as when any major project wraps up.  I celebrated with a blueberry served with my special tiny spoon that was saved from the furnace.  What's next?  91,98,66,0,B,0


  1. You're an will capture that moment and continue to create...but if you are stumped, I want a Field Lab calendar.

  2. Stew is correct. You could create a Field Lab calendar with many of the pictures you already have. You could work the calendar project and receive funds while you are thinking about the next new idea. Then the calendar could be an annual project.I'm in, whatever it is.

  3. 1) Ben and Bud t-shirts
    2) Mr. Floppy t-shirts
    3) Carl and the girls t-shirts
    4) finish if you haven't already the remodeling of the Airstream and then move it to a far away location on your property for vacation rental

  4. What you do next? It will come to you. Your creative mind will come up with it. One thing I am sure of it won't be commercial.

  5. Any chance of building an abode out of all the rocks you have around there? Or an underground dwelling to stay at an even temp?

  6. with the heat setting in the way it is, i'd say make your next project as an indoor activity. the calendar idea is a good one. and we all know Floppy and Carl are hams for a camera in their face...and some of those cute Ben baby pictures. sit back and will come to you.

  7. John, we received our ingot on Friday. It's very cool and you have great arrived a few days before my husband's birthday. A great gift and we are very happy to help the Ben 'n Bud fund!

  8. Happy fathers day John don't reckon the boys are gonna take you out so you're on your own.

  9. Field Lab shooting range with berm and metal targets?

  10. There is something so special about tiny things. I drink my coffee from my tiny antique cup every Saturday morning to celebrate a good week of work.

  11. Got my ingot in the mail today. Excellent work John. Hope Ben enjoys the cow chow!

  12. Inspiration for a storage container dwelling?

    Diogene Cabin Concept
