Saturday, June 1, 2013

Minnie Wiggles

Alpine run this morning.  Dropped off 6 of the limited edition TFL ingots for my friend Suze to sell at The Cheshire Cat Antique Store. (she donated the first sterling that I began experimenting with a couple of months ago).  Picked up some critter feed and groceries then swung by the Alpine Civic Center for their Spring Fling Country Market to see my friend Linda (aka Minnie Wiggles) and the work she has been doing in silver.  She has known Ben since he was a pup and when she was attacked by Carl she simply grabbed him, picked him up, and gave him a hug.  Getting a hug from her is great because she is all soft and squishy. (she is married so don't get any ideas)  92,108,66,0,B,0


  1. This begs the question.

    How many hugs did you get from those New York fashion models back in the day, John?

    My personal experience has been that the best hugs are from people who throw themselves into the act without holding themselves back. This applies regardless of body type. Skinny, squishy, tall, short, children, or elderly it doesn't matter. When someone hugs with their heart, only then do you feel fully embraced. When someone hugs as a courtesy, because it is expected, or because they want to put on some kind of display for those who are watching, it seems cheap and dirty.

    That's my experience, anyway.


  2. "Minnie Wiggles" - very apt name from the sounds of it :)

  3. How many cans of spray paint did that boxcar take?

  4. Does Union Pacific know 355088 was "virtually tagged"
    while visiting down Tejas way? A handsome bit of work with no damage to the environment from PFCs or risk of falling on one's noggin while adding a rolling flourish. Also was a good preamble to the Sunday post about Truth... visual & otherwise.
    Here's 355088, late last year, up in OR... missing the tfl art ;^)
    box sans lab
