Monday, June 10, 2013

The Boys

Broke the news to Ben and Bud today that their feed bill is paid for the next 6 months.  Bud is rather independent and didn't really care.  Ben just likes to play fight the foot.  They will both be grateful even if they don't know it yet.  All the orders will ship by the end of the week.  Cheers! 87,100,74,0,B,.30


  1. Got mine today. It has a surprising amount of heft to it.

  2. After studying all afternoon everyday, your posts bring a smile to my face and contentment in my soul. Carry on!

  3. Might need to put in there a rub post?!

  4. I bet Ben would still do that cute dance he used to do if you brought a milk bottle out....the one where he would go so many steps forward then so many back. He was such an adorable baby. And Bud is gonna be a very handsome fella too. it must be getting "headbutt" playtime for them soon....Big Ben's Birthday coming in 3 weeks.

  5. Thank you, John! I got my silver ingot today. You did a really good job on it. And I love the post card of Benita, too.


  6. Thank you,
    What a great surprise. I have put it with my "Untouchables" collection of silver art.
