Thursday, July 25, 2013

¡El rebote más divertido!

A recent visitor suggested that some cattle really like to play with that ol' standby...the HippityHop.  Went online and found a cheap knockoff for $15 to try out with the boys.  It just arrived today and gave me the perfect excuse to finally install the replacement capacitor I bought for my compressor months ago.  Popped it in and it worked like a charm and inflated the new cow toy.  It was already starting to get dark when they got their introduction.  They were very curious about it and after sniffing and licking - actually went after it a couple of times.  I hooked the handle on Ben's horn which was probably a mistake because it freaked him out a bit. Hopefully I will be able to get some good daylight video soon of them playing soccer.  That's how my day went.  91,103,71,0,C,.11


  1. Come to think of it, I remember this from Rawhide when I was a kid. Keep them doggies hippityhoppin....

  2. Equines like playing with these...grab'em with their teeth and go running. looking forward to the soccer pics.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. John, maybe a red hippity hoppity would work better. Have you never seen a cartoon with bulls? Bugs always used Red.

  5. Hip-hop is becoming too pervasive!

  6. Just don't make the mistake of wearing the same color blue shorts when you're in the pasture.

  7. You need to get him to not spook so easily if you plan to ride him.
